
Right-wing people exist and will continue to exist.

Fuck the Tories. Thou shall never fuck a tory. The Tories are at it again. The tories are cunts. The Tories are nazis.

What is your motive?

So, one would assume the motive behind this villainization is to change their mind? Convert those who are right-wing, lure them towards the centre at the very least. Logically, that should be the motive. Because these people exist and will exist. Right-wing people are not going to just disappear, nor should we want them to. Have a bit of fucking debate, bit of intrigue. This whole ‘ we are the good guys they are the bad guys’ shite does not and will not work. Deal with it. See, to win an argument, you have to be persuasive, not simply drop insults and leave the battlefield. You might think that they do not deserve any niceties; maybe you’re right. But the point is if there is any chance they will drift into your side of the court, I doubt it will be because you’ve laughed at their tiny hands.

This notion that, if you want them to change their opinions, that bullying them will help. The same goes for any right-wingers throwing insults at lefties. It is so backwards, man. Where is the optimism? When I was nineteen, I fully believed that if you were right-wing, you were either immoral or ignorant. I remember even being proud of saying it, like, man Blair well done, that is a fucking good statement right there. Catchy. What a bright outlook on life that almost 50% of the population are evil.

Fighting prejudice with prejudice…sexism with sexism. Seen lately some sort of amendment to our right to protest. I also remember seeing many in my little bubble condemning anyone for protesting the lockdown. The armed protests in America are different, but the non-violent protests peak COVID times? You weren’t saying they shouldn’t do that; you were saying they CAN’T. Tories are cunts…men are trash…

I’m aware this all sounds very condescending. It is hard not to be because it feels so obvious. Putting yourself into a team, hating the other team and then being shocked by the UK election results? See, when you see people calling lefties snowflakes, does it make you want to have a conversation with them? Change their mind? Or does it affirm your misguided beliefs? Tribal behaviour produces tribal behaviour.

Animals feeding on scraps are all starving.

I try and emulate George Carlin. Remove me from it all, take a seat and watch the entertainment. But it is too difficult. Inescapable. The glaring error of picking teams. Winds me up, man.

I haven’t mentioned that maybe you do not care as much as you think you do. Because, if you really felt this strongly, that the hatred comes from a desire for change and nothing more, then you wouldn’t continue this with this shit. The solution is a conversation, I hope.





Look At Me