The Half Smile


No, not a smirk. Not hidden glee but a dulled joy. Packing a raincoat on a sunny day. You just never know.

Mustn’t be caught with my teeth out. Laid bare. A smile that is really in your face about it. No, can’t have that. As my mouth tightens the angle, something straightens it out. Like with a cheap yoga mat, I stand on positive expressions. We do, us men.

A half smile with a nod, a split second of brotherhood followed by an involuntary dismissal. Look at you; you almost took off the disguise. Ripped that shirt open, exposing your vibration.

Back to neutral. Always back to neutral.

Can’t go too fast; we don’t know what is around the corner. Can’t go too slow, though; people will overtake us.

The fucking strong silent type. Show off your facial structure with a big fuck off empty gesture. Are you guys ready? Say angry, angryyyyyy

Tighten your jaw; the lions are lurking. Stand up straight; the women are looking. Don’t smile too much.

They’ll think they must know you.

Tie your belt tight, wherever.

Have you seen all the Robert Deniro lookalikes kicking about?

Stare into the mirror and tell yourself you are proud. Use that half smile. You wouldn’t believe yourself if you had a smile of totality.

Let your eyes loosen. Collapse that jaw. Undo that belt. Bring those fucking shoulders down.


Fuck being stoic.



Weed Story- Have I Shat Myself?


Watch Me Go