Separating The Art From The Artist

What do you believe?

I have never really had a problem committing to this immoral stand. As it is precisely that- immoral. The issue, the really annoying complication, is who benefits? Is this horrible piece of shit with amazing art going to help? And should they?

My answer is yes. Complete separation. If a child molester directed Goodfellas, sadly, I’d have to then say they should still receive the royalty fees. They deserve it. They’ve been split in two, one-half director one half child molester. And you know what? They only have one bank account, I’m sorry. The question is, would people still watch it? Buy the DVD, download the soundtrack on Spotify etc. etc.

The great Michael Jackson. Almost undeniable now that he was a child molester. Even before that documentary a few years back, there was still enough suspicion to warrant a boycott of his art. When I was ten, my friends and I at sleepovers would scare each other by saying Michael Jackson would come into the room when the lights went off. I partially blame Bo Selecta for that fear, but the extreme suspicion he liked to wank off wee boys was global. Did we see a boycott? Nope. However, innocent until proven guilty still means something. I mean, culturally, it means fuck all nowadays, but at least legally, it holds up. That being said, after the latest documentary, it is hard to claim innocence. There won’t be any Michael Jackson themed clubs night for a while, perhaps three or four years, but they will be back. We will stomach the awful allegations in the name of art.

We don’t always do that, though. Take Kevin Spacey, for example. Aw, I fucking miss Kevin Spacey. Thus far, the law has proven him innocent, yet he has been ostracized from Hollywood. Now now, I know rich white men can make things go away quite quickly. My argument isn’t that he is innocent; my question is, why has he been treated differently? Why do we pick and choose? Go watch the compilation of actors thanking Harvey Weinstein during their Oscar-winning speeches. Meryll Streep calling him God. God works in mysterious ways; God has a plan. Fuck Hollywood, man.

Chris D’elia (famous comedian) cancelled for messaging seventeen-year-olds on Instagram and then quickly ended the conversation once finding out their age. CANCELLED. Jerry Seinfeld, publicly dating a seventeen-year-old in the nineties, is still hailed as a comedy legend. Tarantino defends Roman Polanski’s abuse of a thirteen-year-old girl by blaming the victim. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was great.

The hypocrisy is endless.

Pick your belief and stick with it. Either the art should be treated separately from the artist or not. If separate, then you are giving them money. Leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, but it is something you have to deal with. If the two are permanently attached, then what the fuck are you doing buying their shit? You know what an excellent example of this is…AMAZON. The art Amazon gives us is that tasty next delivery. Tax avoidance, fucking up the climate and precise media manipulation. Is their art just too beautiful? That sexy van parking outside my flat, the large cardboard box you can use as a bin for a few days. ‘Smooth Criminal’ is just too catchy that we are OK with supporting an actual criminal? But House Of Cards isn’t entertaining enough to support a suspected criminal.

I’ve gone on a bit of a tangent attacking Hollywood. Still, they just happen to be the prime example of hypocrisy. As much as I believe art should be separated from the artist, it is the inconsistency that I cannot accept. I’m pretty open to changing my mind to stating that personal profit is negated by criminal behaviour. However, the discrepancies to me crystallize the necessary uncoupling.




Swallow The Pill (A Poem)


“My mental illness is my strength”